
On 4/17/23 17:56, Kevin Huntly wrote:
I'm getting the following exception when I try to access my webapp:

17-Apr-2023 17:52:55.982 SEVERE [catalina-exec-1]
org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.invoke Servlet.service() for
servlet [jsp] threw exception

You are trying to deploy a Java EE application onto a Jakarta EE server.

You have a few options:

1. Re-write your application. (Best long-term strategy)
2. Run the Tomcat Migration Tool on your application (WAR/dir) and deploy that on to Tomcat 10.1 or later 3. Put your application WAR/dir into Tomcat's "legacyAppBase" directory for your <Host> (defaults to "webapps-javaee" next to the "webapps" auto-deploy directory)

As for this:

On 4/17/23 19:18, Kevin Huntly wrote:
Is there a way to get Eclipse to stop complaining about missing "javax.servlet.*" dependencies? It's complaining on every JSP I
Every JSP you have is broken, and Eclipse is telling you that. You have to basically globally search-and-replace "javax.servlet" with jakarta.servlet" in your whole application.


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