> Jerry,
> On 6/15/23 00:41, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
>> On 6/13/2023 3:46 PM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
>>> On 6/13/2023 12:39 PM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
>>>> Rob,
>>>> On 6/13/2023 11:34 AM, Rob Sargent wrote:
>>>>> In /etc/rc.local I have:
>>>>>> ----------------------
>>>>>> sleep 120s
>>>>>> systemctl start tomcat9
>>>>>> ---------------------
>>>>>> I put the sleep in back a couple of years ago that for some reason
>>>>>> 'fixed' this same random, intermittent crypto file exception.
>>> One observation.... even though the error doesn't show up in the log
>>> until my first db call, I think the real error has to be occurring
>>> during tomcat boot.  If the failure occurs, I continue to get the same
>>> "Can't read cryptographic policy directory: unlimited" even hours
>>> later after boot every time I send another request to TC.  If I then
>>> reboot TC and this time I don't get the failure, that unlimited folder
>>> magically becomes available.  There is something happening in TC boot
>>> with some sort of crypto initialization that either succeeds or
>>> fails.  And the exception when trying to get connections long after TC
>>> boot is just hitting whatever problem occurred during boot.  In other
>>> words, delaying my calls, even for hours, has no effect on accessing
>>> that folder if the problem is present.  Rebooting TC gives it another
>>> chance to succeed or fail. Any ideas what TC could be doing on boot
>>> that could lock up that folder?
>> I never really found a definitive fix for this.  But after all of the
>> research and logging and everything, I pretty much concluded that
>> there's some kind of timing/race condition between Tomcat boot and Java
>> crypto initialization.  Given that, I figured it was highly unlikely
>> that two different Java JVM implementations would have the same precise
>> implementation code to trigger that race condition.  So as a last ditch
>> effort, I replaced my OpenJDK JVM for Tomcat with Amazon's Corretto Java
>> JVM.  It's circumstantial evidence at best, and running a production
>> environment on fixes that just went away goes against my grain. But if
>> the problem goes away, maybe it won't come back. At this time, when
>> using Corretto JVM, I have not encountered the Crypto directory error.
>> It's been running on all server instances now for almost 24 hours with
>> no problems.  So I guess my suggestion to anyone else that might
>> encounter something like this, trying using a different JVM from a
>> different provider.  That appears at this time to have worked for me.
> Yeah, that's certainly a very unsatisfying result, but ... you can't
> argue with results. I'd love to hear if you end up with any further
> information.
> -chris

I was asking this before and ask again, how do we know it's not a missing
RNG entropy while the crypto stuff of the Java VM is initialised?


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