
I've been using mod_jk forever and have some tools[1][2] to check on the status of a worker and change its state using the status worker.

One of the samples I check is the "errors" count and if it's above 0 then I report an error to my monitoring system.

The problem is that sometimes we just get a random error here or there, and my only recourse is to go into the status worker and "reset" the worker which clears out everything. That may not be a big deal because honestly I don't care what mod_jk thinks the estimated number of sessions on a particular node is, but what I'd prefer to do is bleed-off those errors over time.

For example, we check the service every few minutes. If we have more than 0 errors, we start checking more frequently. If, every time we checked, we reduced the error-count by some small number, the count would eventually reach 0 if the event was temporary but it would continue to grow as long as there was some kind of persistent error (like Tomcat-node-is-down).

Is there a way to decrement the "errors" count without resetting all counters back to zero?


[1] Hmm... I haven't put my upon GitHub. I should do that.

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