
> 1. Please read
> https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/config/context.html#Defining_a_context
> <https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/config/context.html#Defining_a_context>
> You are injecting a Context into a Host at the time when the
> server.xml file is parsed. It does not go through the proper
> "deployment" processing at start time.

I understand the different places that tomcat looks for contexts, I don’t 
understand “It does not go through the proper “deployment” processing at start 
time”. Can you clarify?

> 2. What result did you expect?

What I have is a context that is tightly bound to the tomcat that contains it. 
The whole tomcat generated is autogenerated, so creating lots of little files 
and somehow mapping their filenames safely on the filesystem is complexity I 
would rather avoid. One single server.xml is perfect in this case.

Where I am getting stuck is that tomcat is being coy with the deployment - I 
see tomcat complain loudly if you point at an appBase that doesn’t exist, but 
you change it to an appBase that does exist and tomcat starts fine, says 
nothing, and every URL returns a 404. Something has gone wrong somewhere, but 
without being given a clue as to what it is, I’m stuck.


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