Thanks Christopher

Il 08/09/2023 17:51, Christopher Schultz ha scritto:

On 9/8/23 11:17, Ivano Luberti wrote:
Hi, looking at Server Status and Complete Server Status Page

I can see the following line:

Max threads: 200 Current thread count: 11 Current threads busy: 1 Keep alive sockets count: 1

But looking at the thread list under the line I can count 24 lines.

So what is the number of thread currently instantiated by tomcat? 11 or 24?

This is a good question. When I check my localhost Manager running 8.5.x, I see this:

Max threads: -1 Current thread count: 4 Current threads busy: 1 Keep alive sockets count: 1

The number of threads shown in the http-nio-host-port section shows 5 threads, 4 in the R state and one in the S state.

When running jstack against my JVM, I can see that there are only 4 exec threads running.

So I think the claim that there are only 11 threads in your JVM is correct. I believe the 24 lines you are seeing are something buggy in the Manager's view. I'll see if I can play around with it a little bit to see what's happening.


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dott. Ivano Mario Luberti

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