
On 9/28/23 14:55, Alcides Moraes wrote:
Hello everyone,

I’m new to the list even though I’ve been a Java web developer for many years, 
I’ve never had the need to post here, but this time I think I may have stumbled 
upon a bug, and nothing turns up online on this issue.

We’re migrating our containerized legacy webapps from Java 8/11 to Java 17. 
They all ran on Tomcat 8.5, now we’re upgrading to 9.
We customize a base image from tomcat:9.0.80-jdk17-temurin-focal. Amongst other 
things, we add a to customize tomcat’s log format.
This always worked well, but after our upgrade to Java 17, there’s a weird 
behavior that has stumped us.
During Tomcat’s startup, the logs are formatted correctly as we specify in However, after a certain point in the logs, the logs revert 
to the “default” JUL/JULI format.
Apart from this, everything works as expected. But we need the formatted logs 
because we parse them with LogStash and OpenSearch.

Here’s an excerpt of the logs when this happens:

local-corporativo-comum-1  | 2023-09-27T18:57:34.188 INFO 
[org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol] (thread-1) Initializing ProtocolHandler 
local-corporativo-comum-1  | 2023-09-27T18:57:34.266 INFO 
[org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina] (thread-1) Server initialization in 
[3419] milliseconds
local-corporativo-comum-1  | 2023-09-27T18:57:34.606 INFO 
[com.hazelcast.config.UrlXmlConfig] (thread-1) Configuring Hazelcast from 
local-corporativo-comum-1  | 2023-09-27T18:57:36.775 INFO 
[org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService] (thread-1) Starting service 
local-corporativo-comum-1  | 2023-09-27T18:57:36.789 INFO 
[org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine] (thread-1) Starting Servlet engine: 
[Secure Web Server]
local-corporativo-comum-1  | 2023-09-27T18:57:36.863 INFO 
[org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig] (thread-1) Diretório de instalação da 
aplicação web [/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/corporativo-comum]
local-corporativo-comum-1  | 2023-09-27T18:57:52.647 INFO 
[br.leg.senado.util.tomcat.DataSourceFactory] (thread-1) Criando instância do 
datasource corporativo-comumDS
local-corporativo-comum-1  | set. 27, 2023 6:57:55 PM 
br.leg.senado.util.tomcat.DataSourceFactory getObjectInstance
local-corporativo-comum-1  | INFORMAÇÕES: Criando instância do datasource 
local-corporativo-comum-1  | set. 27, 2023 6:57:55 PM 
org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
local-corporativo-comum-1  | INFORMAÇÕES: 1 Spring WebApplicationInitializers 
detected on classpath
local-corporativo-comum-1  | set. 27, 2023 6:57:55 PM 
org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
local-corporativo-comum-1  | INFORMAÇÕES: Initializing Spring root 
local-corporativo-comum-1  | 18:57:55.751 [main] INFO 
org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader - Root WebApplicationContext: 
initialization started

The red text is tomcat logging using the defaults (which localize log levels to 
our locale which is pt-br).
I suspect that the point where this happens is when the webapp is being 
initialized. A webapp shouldn’t be able to interfere with Tomcat’s log 
behavior, right?
The webapp does not use JUL, it uses logback, and it logs correctly during and 
after its startup.
The logs you see @ 18:57:52 that says “Criando instância...” are of custom 
datasource resources specified in a context.xml file.
They have a custom factory class, passed from a custom jar in tomcat's class 
This jar has worked and logged correctly since ever, we didn’t even recompile 
them to Java 17, we kept them as they were (Java 8).

I’ve tried changing the way this component logs, by calling org.apache.juli 
instead of java.util.logging, removed all logging whatsoever, but nothing 
changes this behavior.
Any suggestions on debugging this? If you need more info don’t hesitate to ask.

Thanks in advance for any help on this.

I feel like I've heard of things like this happening before. It had something to do with an application re-initializing and having a private file which ended up updating the global logging configuration.

Can you search the entire (container's) disk for files /and also all the JAR files you are using/ to see if there is a stray file somewhere that could be picked-up at some point after initial boot?


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