Hi Tomcat team,
Version: Tomcat 10.1.15

I am trying to upgrade Tomcat from version 9.0.56 into 10.1.15, and found that 
there is no setKeystorePass(String) method in tomcat 10.1.15.

As we want to use the custom keystore encryption password in server.xml like 

<Connector prt="8080" protocol="test.CustomHttp11Nio2Protocol" 
  keystorePass="xsdfdfdsfdfxdf(encryption password)" 
  keystoreType"JKS" />

And the java class test.CustomHttp11Nio2Protocol is the implement of jks 
password description like this:
public class CustomHttp11Nio2Protocol extends 
   public void setKeystorePass(String encryptionPassword){
  private static String decryptPassword(String encryptionPassword){
       //Some decription method...

The above java code "super.setKeystorePass(decryptPassword(s))" work in Tomat 
9, but not work in Tomcat 10.1.
Is there any solution can support the custom keystore password decryption 
requirement in Tomcat 10.1?

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