
On 11/16/23 13:06, Peter Otto wrote:
   1.  Configure BASIC auth with clear-text passwords in the Realm and get
that working.
   2.  Switch to DIGEST auth with clear-text passwords in the Realm and get
that working.
   3.  Then configure DIGEST auth and digested passwords in the Realm.
Hi Chris,

Step 1 & 2 work


Step 3 will not work with the clear txt password, only the digested password, 
which means the text password in tomcat-users.xml.   In past versions of 
Tomcat, the clear text password would work.

What does your Authentication request header look like?

On line # 1154 in we read.

String digestValue = username + ":" + realmName + ":" +  getPassword(username);

The method getPassword(username) is using the digested password, when it should 
use  the clear text password.

Here is how I run digest in powershell.
.\digest.bat -a MD5 -i 1 -s 0 tomcat:UserDatabase:nobueno is not using the clear text password, instead it is using the 
digested password. This will return false for the manager access.

When I replace the getPassword(username) and replace it with the clear text 
password, it will then WORK.

How did you configure things for Mark's #3 task above? Including the commands you used to generate the stored-credential?


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