
> Am 29.11.2023 um 11:46 schrieb Markus Schlegel <sch...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> This is a continuation of the discussion taken below
> https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=67628 where I asked about
> the following warning which appears in our log:
> (29.11.2023 09:53:14 org.apache.tomcat.util.net.SSLUtilBase getEnabled
> WARNING T-19): Tomcat interprets the [ciphers] attribute in a manner
> consistent with the latest OpenSSL development branch. Some of the
> specified [ciphers] are not supported by the configured SSL engine for this
> connector (which may use JSSE or an older OpenSSL version) and have been
> skipped: [[TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CCM, (... I am excluding 60 entries
> After some discussion in the ASF bugzilla, Mark asked to move the
> discussion about the default ciphers configuration into this users
> mailing list.
> We explicitly set the ciphers configuration since the default config
> which comes with Tomcat still includes the (normal) Diffie-Helman key
> exchange algorithm which are considered to be insecure (but not the
> ECDH's!). See https://weakdh.org/ for information about this.
> We can't turn off that warning without getting other drawbacks as long
> as we use our custom ciphers configuration, which led "warnOnSkip"
> being set to true in the respective code section.
> Those skipped ciphers are of no interest for us or our customers since
> they appear only because Tomcat - as of my understanding - uses the
> ciphers-set from OpenSSL to build the complete list of theoretically
> available ciphers.
> There is nothing wrong with our configuration, but having that warning
> in the log will cause each and every customer asking us why this
> warning ist there - since they will fear a configuration problem.
> One question now is, if the default configuration of the ciphers in
> Tomcat 8.5.96 is still save or not.
> I have re-run https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest against our server setup.
> With the Tomcat default ciphers configuration
> "HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!kRSA" I get grade "B"
> because of the weak key exchange algorithm using DH. It lists 10 weak
> ciphers out of 12.
Why are you saying that you get a weak Keyexchange with DH?  That is not per se 
the case. DH is still valid.

Did you set -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 as CATALINA_OPTS ?

> If I run it with our configuration, which adds ":-DH:+ECDH", I get
> Grade "A" with 4 weak ciphers out of 6.
> Changing the config to add ":-CBC" to the default config as suggested
> by Mark in bugzilla does not have any effect. Still Grade B, 10 weak
> out of 12. It seems to me that -CBC might not be a valid option at
> all?
> Mark got different results when he run the ssllabs tests. That might
> be caused by different TLS certificates used? I am using a certificate
> created with a RSA-2048bits Key and SHA256withRSA signature algorithm.
> No clue if this causes any difference to Mark's setup.
> Anyone which knows if and how the certificate influences the selection of
> possible ciphers?

> Anyone having similar problems?
> Anyone successful in excluding all ciphers with "CBC" ?

In my case I was only successful to get the ciphers right by setting them 


The result is A(+) and TLS is supported from Java 8, IE 11, iOS12.2, Android 6, 
Chrome 79, Firefox 66, Safari 13.0, which seems to be sufficient to me.

Maybe I could get even away from DH from the result of the client simulations. 
In the end it's up to you if you prioritize 128 or 256bit ciphers. BTW I use 
testssl.sh for local tests (and non 443 ports). 

From what I found elsewhere, ECDH+AES256:ECDH+AES128 are the culprits for the 



> Thanks,
> Markus Schlegel

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