
On 12/15/23 03:29, Simon Matter wrote:

Our question is:
1. It is possible to stop tomcat during initialization phase?
2. If yes how and if not are any plans to implement it in future versions?

It seems to me that my solutions for now are:
1. sending SIGKILL signal to tomcat (this is very risky to me because
stopping like this in the middle of something may corrupt data - but this
situation is any way possible so I have to handle it)
2. wait for tomcat initilization procedure to finish and then trigger the
shutdown since we can do something in our wrapper scripts
Do you see any other possible solutions?

Did you try to terminate the process with SIGUSR1 instead of SIGKILL? I
usually terminate Java processes with SIGUSR1 if SIGTERM is not handled in
time and it still seems to do some cleanup while shutting down.

Try SIGTERM. You will still have to decide how to "avoid corruption" as far as your application is concerned.


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