
On 12/26/2023 11:35 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

On 12/24/23 19:18, Jerry Malcolm wrote:

On 11/8/2023 2:43 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

On 11/6/23 23:22, Jerry Malcolm wrote:

On 11/5/2023 11:54 AM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:

On 11/5/2023 9:26 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

On 11/4/23 20:17, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
My support team needs to be able to log in to our site as various users (on behalf of...) to be able to see exactly what they are seeing since roles, access groups, history is different for different users. I would like to implement an admin password where I can log in as any userId with this password.  I totally realize the security risks involved in this.  But I am handling the security risks with additional authorizations.  I simply need to make every user have two passwords... their real personal password, and the admin password.  The only alternative I have right now is to save off the user's password hash in the USERS table, replace it with my password hash, then restore the user's original password when I'm done.  I'm not thrilled with that solution first because it's a pain and error prone, and also because the user can no longer log in while their password is replaced with my password.

  I figure this function is buried in the authenticator code somewhere. But I'd first like to see if anybody has done anything like this already. If not, could somebody point me in the right direction to the tomcat source file that I'm going to need to modify and also what's involved in making authentication use my updated class instead of the default.


This sounds like "impersonation" to me, which, I think, can be done differently. If you are indeed describing an X-Y problem above, then might I suggest the following?

Instead of figuring out how to "add" a second password to a user, what about allowing you to login as e.g. "jerry" and then assume the identity of the user "tom"? You should be able to do this by changing the UserPrincipal in the session to have a different username.

Which application are you trying to do this with? Your own application, or one which ships with Tomcat (e.g. Manager)?


Hi Chris, it's my own webapp.  Changing user principal is exactly what I'm trying to do.  I wasn't aware that the user principal could be easily swapped.  Where can I learn more about how to do that?

Chris, I'm not having any luck googling info on how to replace the user principal object in the session object. This is exactly what I need to do.  But looks like I'm going to need a little bit of guidance to figure out how to implement it.

I forgot that "we" are using our own custom principal and actually not using Tomcat's authentication and authorization. So we do things differently.

If you are using FORM authentication, then I think this is a little easier.

You may have to do a nasty bit of casting to internal Tomcat classes and/or use reflection, but you can simply call:


The StandardSession class you probably are already getting from Tomcat implements that interface, so you should be able to call that.

I think while Tomcat will accept any, in practice, you'll want to use org.apache.catalina.realm.GenericPrincipal.


I finally had a minute to try to implement your suggestion from a few weeks ago.  I got everything coded.  But I'm getting a ClassCastException  when trying to retrieve StandardSession. I'm getting a StandardSessionFacade object instead of StandardSession.  I looked at the javaDoc hoping to find a way to get the StandardSession from the facade object.  But no luck.   Am I not going about this correctly in my code?  How can get access to the StandardSession object instead of the StandardSessionFacade object?  Thx

       GenericPrincipal newPrincipal = new GenericPrincipal( getUserName(),  getPassword(),  roles ); ((StandardSession)getCtrl().getRequest().getSession()).setPrincipal( newPrincipal );

Hmm. It seems that StandardSessionFacade is used to prevent the kind of thing you are trying to do, probably as a protection against potentially malicious applications.

If you are willing to get messier, you can use reflection to get the value of the StandardSessionFacade.session member, which will be a StandardSession object.

Another option is to do what my application does, which is to store the user in a session attribute and then wrap each request in a Filter making it available:

doFilter(...) {
  HttpSession s = request.getSession(false);

  if(null != s) {
    final User u = s.getAttribute("user");
    if(null != u) {
      // Wrap request
      request = new HttpServletRequestWrapper(request) {
        public Principal getUserPrincipal() {
          return u;

  chain.doFilter(request, response);

The above is psuedocode typed from memory. I'm fairly sure we create a new Principal object because our User object doesn't actually implement Principal.

I implemented the filter as you suggested.  But I guess I'm going to need some education on sessions.  Down in a user profile web page I have a button to "Impersonate".  I create the GenericPrincipal object and store it in the session.  I've checked several times, and every time I come back to that code, the attribute is set in the session object.  But when I put breakpoint in my new Filter object and look in the session, no attribute.  It's a different session object from what I can tell.  I really thought I understood session objects.  I thought there was only one session object throughout the processing of a servlet.  But I'm obviously missing something in the flows.  Why is there a different session object in the filter than in the main body of the servlet?  I did the getSession(false) as you suggested.  The session object is not null.  It just doesn't have the attribute set.  Yet if I hit the Impersonate button again and hit the breakpoint, the GenericPrincipal attribute is sitting in the session just as I placed it earlier.

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