I have a Windows server (v2019) and I've updated java to Corretto jdk11.0.22_7 
and Tomcat to 9.0.85.  I added Tomcat as a Windows Service.
I can start Tomcat from CMD using startup.bat and I can open localhost:8080 in 
a browser to display Tomcat page.  But I cannot start Tomcat from javaw.  I get 
the following entries in the log file:
 [info]  [ 8024] Apache Commons Daemon procrun ( 64-bit) started.
 [info]  [ 8024] Running Service 'Tomcat9'...
 [info]  [ 8748] Starting service...
 [error] [ 6892] FindClass org/apache/catalina/startup/Bootstrap failed
 [error] [ 6892] The system cannot find the file specified.
 [error] [ 8748] Failed to start Java
 [error] [ 8748] ServiceStart returned 4. 
 [info]  [ 8024] Run service finished.
 [info]  [ 8024] Apache Commons Daemon procrun finished.
My CLASSPATH="C:\Tomcat\bin\bootstrap.jar;C:\Tomcat\bin\tomcat-juli.jar"
bootstrap.jar is present in Tomcat\bin, and the folder permissions for Tomcat 
mirror what is specified on another, working, server (Tomcat 9.0.62 with jdk 
and jre 1.8.0_331)
I've searched the mail archives and online, and found similar questions, but 
those solutions have not resolved this issue.  At this point, I've removed all 
Java options in javaw.
Can anyone provide any guidance to resolve this issue?
Thank you.

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