I'm back with a related issue.

I was able to get the java class jakarta.servlet.annotation.MultipartConfig
working back last November by adding the <servlet> definition shown in the
included message below to my WEB-INF/web.xml file. 

Now I need to add another program to the system that does file uploads. I
created another <server> definition in WEB-INF/web.xml following the original:


That didn't work so well.  Now, any and all programs using the fileupload
function launches this 2nd program 1099R-Etrans.jsp.  It appears that this
second <servlet> definition replaces the first. Of course, I need to have the
ability for more than one program in the system able to do file uploads.

How can I configure multiple JSP programs to all have file uploading enabled and
launched by the correspoding requesting program?

Thanks --Mark

On Thu Nov 16 14:36:21 2023 Christopher Schultz <ch...@christopherschultz.net> 
> Mark,
> Apologies for not replying earlier; looks like you have made good 
> progress. See below.
> On 11/14/23 12:19, Mark Foley wrote:
> > Anyway, enough griping! I have gotten it partially working thanks to your
> > suggested link, and particulary you suggestion to put the servlet info in
> > web.xml.  I've put the following in WEB-INF/web.xml:
> > 
> > <servlet>
> >    <servlet-name>uploadfile</servlet-name>
> >      <jsp-file>/schDistImportResults.jsp</jsp-file>
> >      <multipart-config>
> >        <location>/tmp</location>
> >        <max-file-size>20848820</max-file-size>
> >        <max-request-size>418018841</max-request-size>
> >        <file-size-threshold>1048576</file-size-threshold>
> >      </multipart-config>
> > </servlet>
> > <servlet-mapping>
> >    <servlet-name>uploadfile</servlet-name>
> >    <url-pattern>/schDistImportResults.jsp</url-pattern>
> > </servlet-mapping>
> > 
> > I've only changed the <jsp-file> and <url-pattern> tags above. The others 
> > are
> > as monkey-typed from your link example. I'll research the other parameters
> > later.
> > 
> > My jsp code is now:
> > 
> > <%@ page import="javax.servlet.annotation.MultipartConfig.*" %>
> Nope, not for Tomcat 10. You need to use the jakarta package names. 
> Besides, you don't need the MultipartConfig in your code, anyway.
> You need /either/ an annotation (dicey in JSP code) /or/ an XML config, 
> so the XML should be sufficient. (But you should switch to a proper 
> servlet. DO IT! :)
> > if((contentType != null) && contentType.startsWith("multipart/form-data;"))
> > {
> >      InputStream inp = null;
> >      DataInputStream ins = null;
> > 
> >      Part fileUpload = request.getPart("taxResults");
> > 
> >      if(fileUpload != null)
> >      {
> >          inp = fileUpload.getInputStream();
> >          ins = new DataInputStream(inp);
> >      }
> >   
> > while ((inp != null) && (ins.available() != 0))
> > {
> >      String  transaction = ins.readLine();
> >      out.println("<br/>" + transaction);
> > }
> > 
> > ins.close();
> > inp.close();
> I would use try-with-resources like this:
> try (InputStream in = , DataInputStream ins = ...) {
> }
> Since you have no try/catch, your code can leak file handles and stuff 
> like that. Yuck. With try-with-resources, you don't even need the calls 
> to InputStream.close.
> > This actually worked!!!! I will experiment with it more and may be back with
> > more questions (e.g. do I really need the web.xml? Could I not do:
> > "inp = fileUpload.getInputStream(mypath);"). But ... maybe later.
> > 
> > Vielen Dank!!! --Mark
> Na klar
> -chris
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