On 2024/05/17 15:11:58 Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Michael,
> On 5/17/24 03:42, Michael Osipov wrote:
> > On 2024/05/16 21:37:34 Christopher Schultz wrote:
> >> Michael,
> >>
> >> On 5/16/24 12:00, Michael Osipov wrote:
> >>> On 2024/05/16 15:55:04 Andy Arismendi wrote:
> >>>> Ok great! Thank you for taking the time and making the effort to look 
> >>>> into this Michael, much appreciated!
> >>>
> >>> Here is a dynamically linked, patched version until there is an official 
> >>> release: http://home.apache.org/~michaelo/issues/tomcat/openssl-crash/
> >>>
> >>> Please give it a try.
> >>
> >> Since you have produced a debug build of tcnative (and other
> >> components?) could you post the debug trace of the native stack?
> > 
> > Unfortunately I can't. While I have the files with debug symbols I am 
> > limited by https://github.com/mturk/cmsc?tab=readme-ov-file#warning. I 
> > don't have a full blown Visual Studio installed.
> Okay. If you did build with VS, can you get a debug build with a backtrace?

Unfortunately not. Currently, I don't have the capacity to do so.

> I guess you already tracked the crash to openssl_fopen. When I did a 
> decompile of the official binary, I can see the code but it's very 
> difficult to read:
> void FUN_1800cccd0(char *param_1,char *param_2)
> {
>    char cVar1;
>    longlong lVar2;
>    int iVar3;
>    DWORD DVar4;
>    char *pcVar5;
>    FILE *pFVar6;
>    int *piVar7;
>    ulonglong uVar8;
>    uint uVar9;
>    int cbMultiByte;
>    undefined *puVar10;
>    undefined *puVar11;
>    uint uVar12;
>    undefined8 uStackY_80;
>    undefined auStackY_78 [32];
>    wchar_t local_48 [8];
>    ulonglong local_38;
>    undefined8 uStack_30;
>    uStack_30 = 0x1800ccce3;
>    local_38 = DAT_18033f868 ^ (ulonglong)local_48;
>    cVar1 = *param_1;
>    uVar12 = 0;
>    pcVar5 = param_1;
>    for (uVar9 = uVar12; (cVar1 != '\0' && (uVar9 < 0x80000000)); uVar9 = 
> uVar9 + 1) {
>      pcVar5 = pcVar5 + 1;
>      cVar1 = *pcVar5;
>    }
>    cbMultiByte = (uVar9 & 0x7fffffff) + 1;
>    uStackY_80 = 0x1800ccd50;
>    iVar3 = MultiByteToWideChar(0xfde9,8,param_1,cbMultiByte,(LPWSTR)0x0,0);
>    DVar4 = 8;
>    if (iVar3 < 1) {
>      uStackY_80 = 0x1800ccd5d;
>      DVar4 = GetLastError();
>      if (DVar4 == 0x3ec) {
>        uStackY_80 = 0x1800ccd84;
>        iVar3 = 
> MultiByteToWideChar(0xfde9,0,param_1,cbMultiByte,(LPWSTR)0x0,0);
>        DVar4 = 0;
>        if (0 < iVar3) goto LAB_1800ccdac;
>      }
>      uStackY_80 = 0x1800ccd91;
>      DVar4 = GetLastError();
>      puVar10 = auStackY_78;
>      puVar11 = auStackY_78;
>      if (DVar4 != 0x459) goto LAB_1800cce89;
>    }
>    else {
> LAB_1800ccdac:
>      uVar8 = (longlong)iVar3 * 2 + 0xf;
>      if (uVar8 <= (ulonglong)((longlong)iVar3 * 2)) {
>        uVar8 = 0xffffffffffffff0;
>      }
>      uStackY_80 = 0x1800ccdd1;
>      lVar2 = -(uVar8 & 0xfffffffffffffff0);
>      *(int *)(&stack0xffffffffffffffb0 + lVar2) = iVar3;
>      *(wchar_t **)(&stack0xffffffffffffffa8 + lVar2) = (wchar_t 
> *)((longlong)local_48 + lVar2);
>      *(undefined8 *)(auStackY_78 + lVar2 + -8) = 0x1800ccdf7;
>      iVar3 = MultiByteToWideChar(0xfde9,DVar4,param_1,cbMultiByte,
>                                  *(LPWSTR *)(&stack0xffffffffffffffa8 + 
> lVar2),
>                                  *(int *)(&stack0xffffffffffffffb0 + 
> lVar2));
>      puVar11 = auStackY_78 + lVar2;
>      if (iVar3 == 0) goto LAB_1800cce89;
>      cVar1 = *param_2;
>      pcVar5 = param_2;
>      for (; (cVar1 != '\0' && (uVar12 < 0x80000000)); uVar12 = uVar12 + 1) {
>        pcVar5 = pcVar5 + 1;
>        cVar1 = *pcVar5;
>      }
>      *(undefined4 *)(&stack0xffffffffffffffb0 + lVar2) = 8;
>      *(wchar_t **)(&stack0xffffffffffffffa8 + lVar2) = local_48;
>      *(undefined8 *)(auStackY_78 + lVar2 + -8) = 0x1800cce4d;
>      iVar3 = MultiByteToWideChar(0xfde9,0,param_2,(uVar12 & 0x7fffffff) + 1,
>                                  *(LPWSTR *)(&stack0xffffffffffffffa8 + 
> lVar2),
>                                  *(int *)(&stack0xffffffffffffffb0 + 
> lVar2));
>      puVar11 = auStackY_78 + lVar2;
>      if (iVar3 == 0) goto LAB_1800cce89;
>      *(undefined8 *)(auStackY_78 + lVar2 + -8) = 0x1800cce5d;
>      pFVar6 = _wfopen((wchar_t *)((longlong)local_48 + lVar2),local_48);
>      puVar11 = auStackY_78 + lVar2;
>      if (pFVar6 != (FILE *)0x0) goto LAB_1800cce89;
>      *(undefined8 *)(auStackY_78 + lVar2 + -8) = 0x1800cce6a;
>      piVar7 = _errno();
>      puVar10 = auStackY_78 + lVar2;
>      if (*piVar7 != 2) {
>        *(undefined8 *)(auStackY_78 + lVar2 + -8) = 0x1800cce78;
>        piVar7 = _errno();
>        puVar10 = auStackY_78 + lVar2;
>        puVar11 = auStackY_78 + lVar2;
>        if (*piVar7 != 9) goto LAB_1800cce89;
>      }
>    }
>    *(undefined8 *)(puVar10 + -8) = 0x1800ccda7;
>    fopen(param_1,param_2);
>    puVar11 = puVar10;
> LAB_1800cce89:
>    uVar8 = local_38 ^ (ulonglong)local_48;
>    *(undefined8 *)(puVar11 + -8) = 0x1800cce95;
>    FUN_180263660(uVar8);
>    return;
> }
> Thanks for helping to at least link it to this openssl source:
> https://github.com/openssl/openssl/blob/45f5d51b72a262bf85c4461fbded91485ce6b9da/crypto/o_fopen.c#L38
> Since libtcnative.dll is statically-linked, it doesn't even need a 
> symbol table for internal calls so the openssl_fopen token is completely 
> lost. Also, libtcnative contains all of TCN, APR, and OpenSSL. TCN 
> doesn't make direct Win32 calls so that leaves ... all of APR and 
> OpenSSL to search for this pattern of calls.
> Since you know where the fault is occurring, do you know the native 
> call-trace being performed? I'd love to know which component along the 
> way is not properly checking for NULL.

Yes, sure:

The NULL pointer gets passed around and strlen() chokes on it.

Please also read my upstream report: 


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