- JK connector
     - ISAPI Redirector:
an Installer package for IIS 5 and later Web Server that takes care of
     all the configuration
you. The conf steps page that is hyperlinked here is actually archived
     under the jk2 connector but its really the same steps that the
jk connector
     seems to be taking neway.

On 7/26/06, Uday K Sarvasiddhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi ,

I'm trying to do an installation of Tomcat 5.5 and IIS 6.0 on a Windows
2003 server box . I am running into problems because I can not get the
ISAPI Filter (DLL) to load. The arrow is always red and down (never green
and up) and the service log shows that the filter fails to load each time
I restart IIS.

I am using identical /conf files and registry settings as my *working* IIS
6.0 with Tomcat 3.3 on windows 2003 server  with jre1.5.0_07

And that setup is based on the general setup guide for the IIS connector
on the jakarta.apache.org site. .I have also tried using both the JK 1.2
and JK
2.0 connectors. I've also tried disabling all the other ISAPI Filters
that  were present by default with the Win2k3 installation. Still i am
facing the problems .

Is it possible to get the existing connectors to work with IIS 6.0.

If anyone has any tips on getting a connector to work under IIS 6.0, I
would be most appreciative.


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