Thanks for your reply.

I've done some testing and tomcat 5.5 compiled the jsp/tags about 2.5-3 times faster!
Here is the test with the results:
tag files: 122
size     : 154kb
settings : -Xms256m -Xmx256m

|             5.0.28         |            5.5.17          |
| generate work | precompile | generate work | precompile |
|      95 sec   |   121 sec  |      35 sec   |    40 sec  |
|      87 sec   |   119 sec  |      29 sec   |    40 sec  |
|      86 sec   |   122 sec  |      33 sec   |    45 sec  |

I'll keep you posted on further findings.


Edmund Urbani wrote:
Taken from
Tomcat 5.5 uses the Jasper 2 JSP Engine to implement the JavaServer
Pages 2.0 specification.

Jasper 2 has been redesigned to significantly improve performance over
the orignal Jasper.

Looks like option 1 should solve your problem. Please let us know,
whether it actually does. You might also want to check the above URL for
some (minor) performance improvements for production environments.


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