Hi Everybody,
                      I wanted to make the tomcat container secure. So I 
converted the http to https by generating self signed certificate. There is an 
application running under the tomcat server called gridsphere. So in the 
gridsphere portal it was unable to show the list of portlets running which it 
was previously showing before making the tomcat container secure. The error you 
get on the Portal interface when u log in, Portlet Manager service portlet 
             "Unable to retrieve list of portlets. Make sure tomcat-users.xml 
has been edited according to the UserGuide"
                      I also went through the documentation of gridsphere and 
made some changes in tomcat-users.xml file as per that documentation. But still 
Portlet Manager Service does not show the list of portlets. The documentation 
is at http://www.gridsphere.org/gridsphere/docs/UsersGuide/UsersGuide.pdf. 
                     Kindly suggest me the solution for that.

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