
> Sorry if my english is not correc

No problem. We can usually figure out what you're trying to say. I just
hope you understand the response. :)

Let me see if I've got this right:

1. You request an XML file from your server.
2. You process this file and make modifications.
3. You post this file back to the server to update it.
4. The server should take that updated file and write it to the disk.
5. You request the file from the server /again/, and it does not appear
   to have changed, unless you wait for a long time.

Hopefully, I have that correct. So, you problem is:

> How can i disabled this cache in tomcat 5.5.9???

I don't think that Tomcat does any caching like this. Are you using
something like Cocoon to serve your XML files? Is there any other
software that could be in there?


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