Hello world !!!

I have a greater problem with delays between write and read-access using tomcat.

The scenario:

tomcat 5.0.28
mysql  Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.10a, for suse-linux (x86_64)

1. a servlet inserts data given by user via browser into the database
2. a second servlet uses these data to create html and sends it to user

The problem is: this only works if there are 30 minutes time between 1. and 2.
If i connect to mysql via console, it takes the same 30 mins to access and view 
the data in the DB given in step 1.

- all connections of the servlets are closed after the job
- all variables are freed
- everything else is freed, closed or destroyed

Maybe tomcat or mysql waits for something. 
Timeout of something ? but what?
The only timeout explicitely given in the configs is for 600 secs for 

Please help me

Thanks wayne

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