I have setup load balancing between Apache 1.3.33 and Tomcat 4.0.6 using
the mod_jk connector. Initial tests were fine and the balancing seemed to
work a treat. However, with any load on the server, I was seeing 503 errors
reporting server unavailability. To resolve this issue, I set the following
property in the workers.properties file: connection_pool_size=1000 which has
resolved the immediate problem and the system can now process a heavy load
without failure.

The only thing that troubles me, that's preventing me from claiming success
is the following note in red highlighting in the apache documentation, which
can be viewed online at
http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/config/workers.html. Extract: "Do
not use connection_pool_size with values higher then 1 on *Apache 2.xprefork
* or *Apache 1.3.x*!". Can anyone explain the reason why this shouldnt be
done? My system seems to work fine, but I'd be nervous going live with the
configuration described above, without first understanding the warning in
the apache docs.

Any help will be great!


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