it could be easier to just

cp -r TC_HOME_1 TC_HOME_2

and voila, two instances, just remember to change the ports in TC_HOME_2/conf/server.xml to be different from server_1


Chris Lear wrote:
* Pratap Parne wrote (03/08/06 15:50):
how to setup and deploy applications on multiple
instances of tomcat on a single box.can anyone give me
the steps to do that

You need to use different CATALINA_BASE variables for the different instances. It's badly documented (in my opinion), but you can try here:

And read the comments in (or catalina.bat)

Basically, you need to set CATALINA_BASE to a directory that contains directories called conf, logs, temp, and webapps. A work directory will be created there as well. You can have several of these. The bin, common, server, and shared directories should all be in the directory that CATALINA_HOME points to. You need only one of these.

Then make sure your different tomcats don't try to bind to the same ports, and you're away.


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