I think I found a promising lead to what is going wrong here. The FABLE application is reading as if the CLASSPATH is set to ~/cvs/fable/web/info/ instead of /usr/local/tomcat/ webapps/fable(_[user])/WEB_INF/classes/info. I found this out by doing the following:

1. make install_dev.
2. rm /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/fable_ohara/WEB-INF/classes/info/
3. Tomcat restart
4. Lucene still worked on
5. rm /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/fable & fable_darcy/WEB-INF/classes/ info/
6. Tomcat restart
7. Lucene still worked on
8. rm ~/cvs/fable/web/info/MedlineIndexSearcher.class
9. Tomcat restart
10. Lucene did not work on

So, from this, I believe that somewhere (whether it be in the Makefile, the Tomcat restart scripts, or somewhere else) the CLASSPATH is being set to ~/cvs/fable/ web/info rather than /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/fable(_[user])/WEB-INF/classes/info. Now, if I can only find
where this is happening..  Anyone have any ideas?  Thanks so much.


On Aug 4, 2006, at 1:15 PM, Ryan O'Hara wrote:

Unfortunately, the startup script doesn't set the classpath and the classes are not in the shared folders. Any other ideas? I am currently digging..

Thanks again,

On Aug 4, 2006, at 12:47 PM, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:

could be several reasons, one common one is that somewhere in your restart script, you are setting the classpath manually to include the classes. another would be that your classes are in shared/classes or shared/ lib

if not, you'd need to dig deeper.

Ryan O'Hara wrote:
Currently, we have a few three development instances of the "same" application being run - webapps/A, webapps/B, and webapps/ C. By same I mean the same application, although each instance is usually a bit different, as the developers work on their individual instance. The problem we are facing is that when a user restarts Tomcat, their Java code (and not their jsp or html code) is displayed on their web instance as well as all other web instances. So, for example, if user A restarts Tomcat, their Java code is seen also on the web instances of user B and user C. It is important to note that the actual code is not copied over to each of the users directory when a restart occurs, yet the code is viewed across all instances. Anyone have any idea why this behavior could be taking place? I recently created a Listener class to precompute a few variables. This may or may not be related (don't think it is). Thanks.


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