Hi there,

I have written a webapplication with I would like to distribute as a war file 
amongst a few hosts. There is a resource in the context file which needs some 
individual configuration per server. 

* I used to unpack directly into the webapps directory and doing the
  configuration in the true context.xml file.
* As far as I understand, this approach is no longer recommended and
  causes more an more problems with every new tomcat version.


* If I upload the warfile via manager or ant, I have first to extract the
  context file, edit it, and pack it back.
* I have to create a war file with the same name as the basename becomes
  the context name.
* This way I am confronted with a bunch of war files undistinguishable by name
  and only differring in contents of context.xml file.
* I can hardly think of a better recipe to create confusion.

Is there a better way to handle this deployment scenario?

Mit freundlichem Gruß / With kind regards
        Holger Klawitter
listen < @/at > klawitter < ./dot > de

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