Before asking about an optimized multithreaded e-mail application on a 
mailinglist for a webserver you should make it clear what you are doing. Maybe 
the non-optimized singlethreaded e-mail loop is fast enough for you. It wil 
save you a lot of time debugging.

How much e-mail are you sending? 100.000 per second/minute/day?
How big are your e-mails? Do you have enough bandwidth for them?

BTW: This has nothing to do with Tomcat.


On Wed Aug 16 07:51:12 CEST 2006 Tomcat Users List <> 
Hi All,

Is there any alternative JMS api in Tomcat ? And how can I implement multi
threading in JMS, let's say to send mass email (at about 100.000) with Java
Mail API with customized attachment ?

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