The answer mainly depends on your plans for the future. If the machine currently serving up your web app is not going to do anything else web related (requiring a web server such as Apache) then you are probably ok with shutting down Apache and changing Tomcat over to port 80.

However, if you foresee any potential expansion of your web requirements that are either static, or just better server via Apache it would be best and easy to setup mod_jk. Doing so allows for load balancing as well as simple redirection.

So, look to your future plans and decide from there.


Nolan Johnson wrote:
I've got a webapp that's entirely dynamic.  That is, all of the content is 
produced by servlets through Tomcat.  The only static content for the site is a 
.css file and a small error page.  Is there any reason for me to have Apache 
httpd listening on port 80 and have that connected to Tomcat with mod_jk2, or 
should I just have Tomcat's http server listen on port 80?
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