Zach Calvert wrote:
> I discovered the problem.  For some odd reason, which I haven't yet figured
> out, the svn call in the build.xml root <exec dir="${basedir}"
> executable="svn">
>          <arg line="checkout ${svnroot}/${current.loc} ${basedir}"/>
>     </exec>
> is not just putting the checkout in the basedir, it is checking them out
> into a newly created directory current.loc.  I do not understand why in the
> world it is doing this...  So, when it goes to run ant deploy on the
> build.xml in the build folder, the build directory needs to be
> Tomcat\Tomcat-build\tc5.5.x\build
> Like I said, it shouldn't be doing this, and this is not the behavior I get
> when I run the command line svn checkout
> . Making that call
> does NOT create the Tomcat\Tomcat-build\tc5.5.x\ directory
> Anyone got any suggestions?

Use ant's "-verbose" or even "-debug" options. For example
ant -verbose -projecthelp
will at least tell you how basedir is set, which property files are read etc.


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