I'm not sure if I have a tomcat configuration problem or some other problem.  
I'm try to get Oracle's XSQLServer
application up and working under tomcat... but something's amiss.  In trying to 
get a proof of concept going, I'm
installing under servlets-examples under the tomcat installation directory.  
I'm a newbie on tomcat, but it's my
understanding that installing applications under the installation directory 
will help in that I will not have to change
server.xml or CLASSPATH.  Is that correct?  Seems that tomcat _should_ be able 
to serve
/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/servlets-examples/WEB-INF/demo.xml without changes to 
server.xml, but it only 
seems to see this file if I put a <Context> directive into server.xml.  

But the above .xml problem may be parenthetical.. back to my XSQL 

So, I have the class files that Oracle says I need under 

   oraclexsql.jar  xmlparserv2.jar  xsqlserializers.jar  xsu12.jar

   with the XSQLConfig.xml file is in here too

In order to get the servlet to kick off with a url referencing a .xsql file 
extension, I have in servlets-examples/WEB-INF/web.xml

        <servlet-class>oracle/xml/xsql/XSQLServlet</servlet-class>  <!-- path 
from the oraclexsql.jar in lib -->

It seems that indeed, the XSQLServlet app is launched with a url reference to


It seems to be found if this demo.xsql file is under WEB-INF or WEB-INF/classes 
( normal? ).

But I get the error message on the browser:  XSQL-001: Cannot locate requested 
XSQL file. Check the name.
either way. I don't see any messages in the tomcat log files.

So tomcat seems to find the file, but the servlet doesn't.

Adjusting my CLASSPATH to add tomcat/webapps/servlets-examples/WEB-INF in either
setclasspath.sh or catalina.sh seems to have no effect.

Any help on how things should be set up is more than appreciated.


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  • XSQL David Salisbury

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