I think this question had been asked before. But when I searched the
tomcat user group, I don't find a satisfactory answer.


Here is my question: How to configure Apache & Tomcat so that Apache
handles static content for virtual host with more than one web

My web application directories are as following:






I have three web applications (contexts): the default(""),
webappA("/webappA"), and webappB("/webappB"). Each application has both
static content and dynamic content (JSP/servlet).


in Apache httpd.conf, I have the following virtual host definition:


NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>

            ServerName www.myserver.com

            DocumentRoot "F:/Tomcat5.5/webapps"

    JkMount  /servlet/* worker1

    JkMount  /*.jsp worker1



With this configuration, everything works, except that the static
content for the default application (/ROOT) can't be loaded by Apache
because Apache can't find the content.


If I change the DocumentRoot to:

            DocumentRoot "F:/Tomcat5.5/webapps/ROOT"


The static content for the default application can be loaded by Apache,
but the static content for the other two web apps can't be loaded
(outside of DocumentRoot).


How can I configure virtual host so that the above problem can be


I did figure out a workaround, here it is:


NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>

            ServerName www.myserver.com

            DocumentRoot "F:/Tomcat5.5/webapps/ROOT"

            Alias /webappA/ F:/Tomcat5.5/webapps/webappA

            Alias /webappB/ F:/Tomcat5.5/webapps/webappB            

    JkMount  /servlet/* worker1

    JkMount  /*.jsp worker1



With the above configuration, all static / dynamic content for all the
three web apps can be loaded properly. However, is this a standard /
recommended configuration?


Your help will be greatly appreciated!


Best Regard,


Hua Hou


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