FH wrote:

We are trying to setup what will essentially be a data vault (something people
can log into from anywhere and d/l and u/l documents securely via a browser --
additional desired features would be user/group management/permissions, maybe
on disk encryption but that's not as important as the basic functionality). Before going about configuring something via apache (which is not on the
machine I have in mind to use) I thought I'd see if such an application has
already been created for tomcat (which is on the machine).  I've tried a
variety of searchs in yahoo and google but I'm just not seeing the information
I'm looking for (either a generic listing of what sort of applications are
available for tomcat or hopefully the "data vault" application we are looking
for).  Does such a list exist or how do people usually go about finding
specific applications to link into Tomcat?  Has anyone heard of an application
like the one we are looking for?


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