

I got an urgent problem with load balancing 2 (or more) Tomcat Servers
by using the IIS ISAPI JK Connector (we want to try to remove Resin and
use Tomcat instead):



Windows Server 2003

IIS 6.0

(on 2 different machines, same configuration)

Our Servlet(s)


Our software is not able to handle distributed sessions, so I decided to
use "sticky sessions" (a session always stays at the same server).


The problem:

If there is any 302 or HTML error code response

-          a) if sticky_sessions_force is true, only a 500 error page

-          b) if sticky_sessions_force is false, the request gets
forwarded to the next server on the list (which can not work, because
the servlets use internal IDs for links and so on - which other servers
do not know - so this is not possible)


I looked at the source of JK, but I never find a possibility to turn OFF
that error handling mechanisms (f.e. we want just to display the HTML
error page that the server generated without modification, resp. we just
want the redirect (302) to happen and so on)!


Is there no way? I would really appreciate any help (except modifying
the source code of JK itself - we want to use further versions of JK
too, and this would be difficult then)






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