
> When i do the same with jsp or html files everything is OK.
> Where is my mistake? How to make this "fast deployment"  without loosing
> session.

If the objects you put into the session do not implement Serializable,
then your session will fail to re-load along with the webapp.

When you copy a new JSP into your webapp, only that JSP will re-load.
However, when you update a .class file, Tomcat re-starts the entire
webapp for you (if you have it configured to do that). Part of the
re-start procedure is to write all sessions to a file before the webapp
is taken out of service, and then to read them back from that file when
the new instance starts up.

If your session attributes are not Serializable, the sessions cannot of
saved or re-loaded, so you get a new session every time you re-start.


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