> From: Edward Quick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Handling Tomcat Errors in Apache
> <error-page>
>     <error-code>404</error-code>
>     <location>/cgi-bin/error.cgi</location>
> </error-page>
> I guess the location tag is wrong here as it doesn't work, but I'm
> not surewhat else to put.

Quoting from the Servlet spec:

"The sub-element location element contains the location of the resource
in the web application relative to the root of the web application. The
value of the location must have a leading '/'."

Where is your cgi-bin directory?

 - Chuck

Thanks Chuck.

My cgi-bin is in the apache cgi-bin directory i.e. /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin. Can I have one cgi-bin directory, or does there have to be one in each webapp? Surely Tomcat can have one overriding cgi-bin directory, but where would this be set? And would the cgi script be ran by Tomcat or Apache? I prefer to use the latter without setting up another one in Tomcat.

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