I haven't dealt with TC 4 in a long time.  I would think it's the
difference in how the user is forwarded to the resource.  An internal
forward leaves the browser to compute relative paths based on the
original request URI while an external forward offers the browser a new
request URI to compute relative paths against.  Best practice would be
to get the context path and then define the image source as an absolute
path from the server root: 

Assuming a webapp designed to servlet 2.4/jsp 1.2 spec (tomcat 5.0/5.5),
that would be <img src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/logo.gif"/>

For a servlet 2.3/jsp1.1 spec (tomcat 4), that might be <img
src="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/welcome/logo.gif" />

This method leaves the flexibility to have the same webapp in different
context while making sure the resource path is always computed correctly
regardless of forward method.


Xiao Xiao wrote:

> Xiao Xiao wrote:
>> Hi,
>>    Saying i have the following web-app structure:
>>       WEB-INF/web.xml
>>       html/logo.gif
>>       html/welcome.html
>>       logo.gif
>>    in the web.xml, html/welcome.html is defined as one of the
>> welcome-file, which includes an image defined as src="./logo.gif". My
>> question is which logo will be shown when i try to access web-app?
>> Seems TC4  ( 4.1.31) and TC5 (5.1.12) handle this differently.
>>    In TC5, the request is mapped to html/welcome.html, but the
>> context is still at the root-level, so the logo.gif at root level is
>> returned; while in TC4, it will redirect to html/welcome.html, with
>> the context changes to html as well -- so html/logo.gif is returned.
>> For me, it seems TC5 makes more senses, but anyone can help me
>> confirm this? (as is it a TC4 bug? a change in the spec? etc?)
>>    Thanks.
>> xiaoxiao
>> p.s. attached is the sample context-test, with logo.gif points to
>> apache logo, and html/logo.gif points to tomcat logo.
> Hi,
>   Can anybody give any feedback?
>   Thanks a lot!
> xiaoxiao
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