Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Kor Kiley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Switching default index page from xml to xql

When I say, "the page itself works fine," I mean, if I type the address as "http://<server name>/exist/index.xql", that
works fine.

Post your web.xml for the exist app, please.  Have you made any changes
to the global web.xml file?

 - Chuck

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We haven't made any changes to the global web.xml file.

Here's the web.xml for eXist:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

   | Configuration file for the web application.
| Provides XMLRPC + SOAP access to eXist and configures Cocoon2. If you don't need | XMLRPC or SOAP or Cocoon, remove the corresponding servlets and servlet-mappings.
   "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"
   <display-name>eXist Server</display-name>
   <description>eXist Server Setup</description>

       Initialize Log4j using a servlet.
       Only needed when eXist is deployed as a .war file in e.g. Tomcat.


       RpcServlet provides XML-RPC access to eXist

       DatabaseAdminServlet: this servlet can be used to ensure that
       eXist is running in the background. Just set the start-parameter
       to true and load-on-startup to 1
<!-- where to find eXist's configuration file relative to the basedir
           of the web-application.

eXist's home directory. All file names in the configuration file
           will be relative to this directory.



       Servlet that enables webDAV


       XQueryServlet generates HTML from an XQuery file.




       Configure the Axis servlets.
       Axis provides eXist's web-services via SOAP.
       <display-name>Apache-Axis Servlet</display-name>

       <display-name>Axis Admin Servlet</display-name>
       ================ Cocoon2 Configuration starts here ================


The regular servlet class (trusts the servlet container classloader)

In cases you're facing class loading problems, you can alternatively
           use the following servlet-class instead of the above one

This parameter tells cocoon to set the thread's context classloader to its own classloader. If you experience strange classloader issues, try setting this parameter to "true" or using ParanoidCocoonServlet.
           This parameter points to the main configuration file for Cocoon.
Note that the path is specified in absolute notation but it will be
           resolved relative to the servlets webapp context path

           This parameter indicates the configuration file of the LogKit

           This parameter indicates the category id of the logger from the
           LogKit configuration used by the CocoonServlet.

           This parameter indicates the category id of the logger from the
           LogKit management configuration for the Cocoon engine.
This logger is used for all components described in the cocoon.xconf
           and sitemap.xmap file not having specified a logger with the
           logger="..." attribute in the component configuration file.

This parameter indicates the log level to use throughout startup of
           the system. As soon as the logkit.xconf the setting of the
           logkit.xconf configuration is used instead!
Only for startup and if the logkit.xconf is not readable/available
           this log level is of importance.

           Available levels are:
           DEBUG:        prints all level of log messages.
INFO: prints all level of log messages except DEBUG ones. WARN: prints all level of log messages except DEBUG and INFO ones. ERROR: prints all level of log messages except DEBUG, INFO and WARN ones.
           FATAL_ERROR:  prints only log messages of this level

Allow reinstantiating (reloading) of the cocoon instance. If this is set to "yes" or "true", a new cocoon instance can be created using
           the request parameter "cocoon-reload".

           This parameter is used to list classes that should be loaded
           at initialization time of the servlet.
           Usually this classes are JDBC Drivers used
           <!-- For IBM WebSphere:

           <!-- For Database Driver: -->
           <!-- org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver -->

           <!-- For PostgeSQL Database:
           org.postgresql.Driver -->

           <!-- For Oracle Database:
           oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver -->

           <!-- ODBC
           sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver -->

           <!-- For parent ComponentManager sample:

Causes all files in multipart requests to be processed. Default is false for security reasons. Unsupported values will be interpreted
           as false.
<!-- This parameter allows to specify where Cocoon should put uploaded files. The path specified can be either absolute or relative to the context path of the servlet. On windows platform, absolute directory
           must start with volume: C:\Path\To\Upload\Directory

           The default directory is "upload-dir" in the work-directory

Causes all files in multipart requests to be saved to upload-dir.
           Default is true for security reasons. Unsupported values will be
           interpreted as false.

           Specify handling of name conflicts when saving uploaded files
           to disk.  Acceptable values are deny, allow, rename (default).
           Files are renamed x_filename where x is an integer value
           incremented to make the new filename unique.
           Specify maximum allowed size of the upload. Defaults to 10 Mb.

This parameter allows to specify where Cocoon should create its page and other objects cache. The path specified can be either absolute or relative to the context path of the servlet. On windows platform, absolute directory must start with volume: C:\Path\To\Cache\Directory The default directory is "cache-dir" in the work-directory

           This parameter allows to specify where Cocoon should put it's
           working files. The path specified is either absolute or relative
           to the context path of the Cocoon servlet.  On windows platform,
absolute directory must start with volume: C:\Path\To\Work\Directory

           The default directory is "cocoon-files" directory in the servlet
context's temp directory (context property javax.servlet.context.tempdir).

           This parameter allows to specify additional directories or jars
           which Cocoon should put into it's own classpath.
Note that you must separate them using the platforms path.separator (":" for *nix and ";" for Windows systems). Also note that absolute pathes are take as such but relative pathes are rooted at the context
           root of the Cocoon servlet.
This parameter allows you to select the parent component manager.
           The class will be instantiated via the constructor that takes a
single String as a parameter. That String will be equal to the text
           after the '/'.

Cocoon honors the LogEnabled and Initializable interfaces for this
           class, if it implements them.

If you uncomment the following lines the parent CM is set to the Parent CM sample, which will look up a configuration via JNDI at org/apache/cocoon/samples/parentcm/ParentCMConfiguration and use it.
           If you set this parameter to 'true' or 'yes', Cocoon will add
           processing time to the end of each response. Value 'hide' adds
processing time as an HTML comment. By default, processing time is
           not added (corresponds to value 'no').
           If true or not set, this class will try to catch and handle all
Cocoon exceptions. If false, it will rethrow them to the servlet
<!-- If true, Avalon Excalibur instrumentation will be enabled on all Instrumentable components with Cocoon and your Cocoon application.

This defines the location of the instrument manager configuration,
           only used if the init-param enable-instrumentation is enabled.

           Set encoding used by the container. If not set the ISO-8859-1
           encoding will be assumed.

Set form encoding. This will be the character set used to decode
           request parameters. If not set the ISO-8859-1 encoding will be

           This parameter allows you to startup Cocoon2 immediately after
           startup of your servlet engine.

       Needed to overwrite the Cocoon default
       Register Webstart servlet
<!-- ====================== URL space mappings ======================= -->

   <!-- XMLRPC -->
<!-- REST new mapping-->
<!-- REST original mapping-->

   <!-- webDAV -->

   <!-- XQuery (not for database stored queries) -->

<!-- SOAP (Apache Axis) -->




<!-- Finally, we establish the main mapping for Cocoon -->

       Cocoon handles all the URL space assigned to the webapp using its
       sitemap. It is recommended to leave it unchanged. Under some
       circumstances though (like integration with proprietary webapps or
       servlets) you might have to change this parameter.


Some servlet engines (WebLogic) have defaults which are not overriden
       by '/' mapping, but must be overriden explicitly.

   <!-- Java Webstart -->
<!-- ==================== various MIME type mappings ================== -->










Kor Kiley
UVM Libraries Systems
Bailey/Howe Library
University of Vermont

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