Hi Eric,

I have a JNI application also and I followed the advise from the Tomcat
documentation, where they suggest that the class that loads the dll's or
so's libraries are placed either in the shared/classes directory or the
common/classes directory. I do it in the shared/classes directory. It is not
exactly what I would like, but it works.

   Hope that helps,
   --Luis R.

On 10/11/06, Eric Johanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have a question using native JNI shared objects within a servlet running
under Tomcat 5.5.  Our servlet code depends on some shared .dll files (for
windows, and .so files for Linux).  so we have classes that have code such

public class Abc {
    public native static boolean nativeF0(int a,String b);
    /* ... other native method declarations ... */
    static {

Obviously the idea is that the shared object objectfile.dll is loaded
whenever the native methods are accessed.  However, Tomcat seems to create a
new Java class-loader whenever a web-app is reloaded via using the Tomcat
"manager" web-app.  Because of the new class-loader, the "static {
System.loadLibrary(...); }" method is re-executed and the 2nd call to
loadLIbrary yields an JRE error "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native
Library objectfile.dll already loaded in another classloader" followed by
a JRE crash.

The workaround is to completely stop and restart the entire Tomcat server
every time I modify my web-app.  But this is cumbersome and makes our
web-app harder to deploy and patch.  Catching and ignoring the
UnsatisfiedLinkError solves nothing because the classes loaded in the 2nd
class-loader can't find the native methods.

Can someone please give me some advice as to how to do one of the
    a.  Unload my original objectfile.dll when my web-app is stopped so
when it is restarted it loads normally in the new class-loader
    b.  Connect the native libraries from the first class-loader to the
second class-loader after the web-app is reloaded
    c.  Other possibilities to work around this?

Thank you,
Eric Johanson

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