The problem is the "current directory" is the startup directory for tomcat. In a webapp that might be running on several different installations, the current working directory is a moving target.

Given this is always used from an exploded webapp and not a .war file, you could use ServletContext.getRealPath( ). That will return the absolute path to the file, but only if the webapp isn't packed up as .war.


José Roberto Motta Garcia wrote:

Are u trying to access this image from a class or from a JSP? Please
correct me people, but the root path to JSP files is


harl3kin wrote:
hello alltogether,

i have a problem with accessing files deployed on tomcat. I want to access
an image which is stored in a "graphics" folder right below the "WEB-INF"
folder. I read that the tomcat-context has its start path on the "classes"
folder. So what i did to retrieve the image was:

Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("/../graphics/toon.gif");

When I debugged I recongnized that the image width and height is -1, so i
figure I didn't load the image correctly. Do you have any suggestions what I
can do to make this work?

I appreciate your time,

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