
        I in no way am implying that the members of this list have been
derisive. I meant to state answers I found else where seemed dersive. I
did find an example of a non-derisive "write it in Java". I sumbit to
your attention:

As well as:

For the above you have to pay/register for the solution, and I am leery
of it, but it is an excellent example of my problem.

Thank you all again for your help. I may just have to take a self-taught
crash course in Java....or socket programming in Perl. :P


~Warren Halstead


David Smith wrote:

Really?! I've been on this list for a while and do not recall such
derisive comments. Perhaps a more optimistic approach would help.

As to the problem, I don't use the setup you are attempting, so you are
going to have to help with some more info. Specifically a code example
and logs for the moment when the connection is attempted. Further, some
information regarding the environment would also be helpful -- security
settings, etc., ... It may be that the CGI is relying on environment
variables that aren't available to the tomcat service.


> Good Afternoon, 
> I am running Tomcat 5 with CGI enabled. I am attempting to use 
> Net::SMTP to send e-mail, and it works fine from the command line, but

> not running as a CGI script. I have scoured the internet and found
> people with this problem, but the derisive answer to their pleas for 
> help has been "Write it in Java dummy!" 
> I do not have that option, and so I must ask if there is some 
> security function in Tomcat or a workaround, that allows perl CGI 
> scripts to make a socket connection to port 25 of another server. 
> Thank you for your help in this matter. If you feel any other 
> details are required to troubleshoot my problem, please feel free to 
> contact me and ask. 
> Very Respectfully, 
> ~Sgt Halstead 
> 15th MEU 

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