Hi Christopher,

First of all: thanks for spending time on my problem!

I think you understand the general problem I've got.
Yes your right, we did some changes on Tomcat but I just installed a new
instance on another computer and tried it out in that environment but it
still doesn't work.
The headers of both messages look very similar - in fact the "prefixes"  are
different - and as far as I know http the PUT-request seems to be fine. So I
think it has nothing to do with that.
I just read on the internet that it works with Tomcat 4.x. Somewhere else I
read about a similar problem with Tomcat 5.x and that one has to
change/disable the security manager. That's my current status and I just
start reading about it. So hopefully I get it done...  :-)

I don't use Apache for that project, it is a pure Tomcat-installation -
nothing more.

So far again many thanks


2006/10/20, Christopher Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


> At the moment I just try to get the service-method called which is
> the initiater for a Servlet. As far as I know, service() usually
> calls the appropriate method which can be doGet() or doPost() but
> doPut() as well.

That /should/ be the case. You can decompile HttpServlet from the
servlet API and see the code right in there. If you really are extending
HttpServlet, then Tomcat is more likely not getting in the way.

> But duPut() haven't been called. Therefore I overwrote service() and
> expected it to handle any request by just writing a debuginformation
> into a logfile.

So, you are not only /not/ getting doPut() invocations, but you are also
not getting any service() invocations, either? What is handling the
request, then?

> But that happend only when I sent a request from a normal html-form
> using the POST- or GET-method. When I use the program for which I
> write my Servlet nothing happens at all.

So using GET or POST through your browser works with this URL, but not
PUT, using some other tool.

> I also traced the TCP-connection using Ethereal and found out that
> both the HTML-form and the "PUT-program" send data to the Servlet.

Have you checked the differences in the headers that are sent?

> Therefore I think that I need to reconfigure Tomcat in any way but I
> have no idea how to do that.

Have you modified any configuration from the default Tomcat
configuration? Tomcat should allow this right out of the box.

> And by the way: even Apache doesn't accept PUT-requests by default.

That's because there is no built-in handler for PUT requests (and I'm
sure it would be a security problem if there were).

Are you using Apache in front of Tomcat? If so, is Apache rejecting the
request, or is Tomcat doing it? I suspect that you haven't allowed for a
PUT request to be made to your URL, and Apache is stopping the request
before it even gets to Tomcat.


Philipp Suedmeyer
116 Gloucester Road
South Kensington
SW7 4XH London
United Kingdom

Mobile: +44 79 30 94 18 01

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