Hi everyone,

My environment: win2003 / Tomcat 5.5.17 / IIS / isapi filter
I've 3 instances of Tomcat running simultanously
IIS is configured to serve those 3 "websites" with a different isapi filter 
configuration for each one.
When a client opens a newly httpSession jsessionid is inserted in the first URI 
. Next navigations doesn't include this.
The problem is about what isapi really filters.
See how the Uriworkmap is configured at the end of this mail.
For example in the first session openning, every css file acces fall in 404 
beacause of the jssesionid presence in the URI, and are correctly mapped in 
next operations.

Indeed looking in the trace shows that isapi filter try to remove this 
jsessionid from the URI, but apparently not use the newly jsessionid-less URI :

[Wed Oct 25 11:30:24 2006] [5564:0488] [debug] jk_isapi_plugin.c (762): Filter 
[Wed Oct 25 11:30:24 2006] [5564:0488] [debug] jk_isapi_plugin.c (828): Virtual 
Host redirection of 
[Wed Oct 25 11:30:24 2006] [5564:0488] [trace] jk_uri_worker_map.c (422): enter
[Wed Oct 25 11:30:24 2006] [5564:5240] [debug] jk_isapi_plugin.c (762): Filter 
[Wed Oct 25 11:30:24 2006] [5564:0488] [debug] jk_uri_worker_map.c (443): 
Removing Session path ';jsessionid=D31FF5301A1974701F9FE1837A18427B' URI 
[Wed Oct 25 11:30:24 2006] [5564:0488] [debug] jk_uri_worker_map.c (449): 
Attempting to map URI 
 from 14 maps

How can I make sure isapi filter really do its jsessionid-filtering job ? Or 
how can say to tomcat not include this jsessionid parameter, even in the first 
session access ?

Thanks for your answers !

Rémy C.



# applications mappings
# static elements served by IIS
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