Hi Gary,

from my understanding of the code mod_proxy(_balancer) at the moment is
not able to do that. There are status settings "disable" and "stopped"
one can set, but at the moment disbled and stopped behave the same. I
didn't really try, but I derive that from looking at the code. This
holds true for version 2.2.3, the head of branch 2.2 and trunk as well.

I remember some mail on httpd-dev, that this is known and will be corrected.

The module mod_jk also has the concept of disable and stop. For mod_jk
disable means, that requests with sessions on a disabled target still
get routed there, but requests without a session do not get routed to a
disabled target. So if your sessions are relatively short, you can
considerably decrease the number of remaining sessions on a target by
disabling it some time before your maintenance.

I'm sure, this behaviour will come to mod_proxy too, but it looks like
it's not there yet. Anybody: please correct me if I'm wrong.

If you are going to use mod_jk, please get the latest release 1.2.19.
It's important to know, that mod_jk can only handle ajp backends.


Gary Feltham schrieb:
> Hi,
> I have a load balancing setup using Apache 2.2.2 (Win32) and 2
> instances of Tomcat 5.5.15 and 5.5.17. So far I have been able to
> establish a successful load balancing using sticky sessions with the
> following config:
> ProxyPass /test balancer://testcluster stickysession=JSESSIONID
> nofailover=On
> <Proxy balancer://testcluster>
> BalancerMember ajp:// smax=5 route=node01
> BalancerMember ajp:// smax=5 route=node02
> </Proxy>
> I am not wanting to setup a tomcat cluster for this deployment but
> have 2 independant instances of tomcat running independant sessions.
> Currently this is also setup to not failover if an instance goes down.
> For instance node01 is shutdown, the status is:
> LoadBalancer Status for balancer://testcluster
> StickySession   Timeout FailoverAttempts        Method
> JSESSIONID      0       1       byrequests
> Worker URL      Route   RouteRedir      Factor  Status
> ajp://      node01          1       Err
> ajp://      node02          1       Ok
> All expected and a request to node 1 results in a 503 response.
> My question therefore is:
> Within the context of a scheduled down time such as redeployment of
> the application or reboot of the server I would like to be able to
> control closure of the load balancer. For example, node 1 is targeted
> to be shutdown for maintenance, currently I have 10 user sessions on
> that instance and say 9 on node 2. If new users join then the load
> balancer will evenly distribute to each node per request. What I want
> to control is that each NEW user should only go to node 2, then each
> session on node 1 will expire eventually leaving 0 sessions on node 1.
> Node 1 can then be removed cleanly for maintenance and its status set
> as disabled.
> Is there a current method of performing this in either mod_proxy or
> mod_jk - I don't mind which but would like to gain that control?
> Many thanks,
> Gary Feltham
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