On Wednesday 01 November 2006 13:39, Pid wrote:
> if, (for whatever reason), one webapp isn't releasing connections, but
> is able to keep creating them, then eventually you'll run out of
> available connections at the DB end, no?
Yes, but the database was set up to allow 500 connections, and the pool was 
running dry after 50.  The disturbing part is that the pool was running dry 
in one context and causing other contexts in the same VM to throw 
PoolExhausted exceptions.  I was hoping for a higher degree of seperation 
between contexts than what I got.
> i'd expend effort determining why the app isn't releasing the
> connections, as that's the real problem.
Done.  We followed the JNDI datasource reccomendations on the Tomcat web page 
and got bit.  It was my fault for cutting and pasting so verbatim.  The app 
works and releases correctly now.

John Gorkos

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