Edoardo Panfili ha scritto:
Zeina Aoun ha scritto:
I am having trouble with html in tomcat. I am using the Apache Tomcat 5.5.20 Server The problem is hard to describe. I am trying to enable some video clip files to be downloaded by users, but unfortunatley instead of downloading it opens up the garbage text on the webpage, just like if u try to open a media file in notepad or wordpad. It does not allow to download the media files. But when I try running the html page outside tomcat or in another server, it opens up perfectly.

It seems that tomcat doesn't set up the proper mime type of your media files, the error is not in the html page.

I think that you can take a look at $TOMCAT/conf/web.xml and set up the proper mime type, in my web.xml there is no mapping for rmvb or wmv.

loocking in mime.types of my linux machine:
for wmv the mime type is video/x-ms-wmv

Is not difficult, try: find web.xml in the tomcat installation directory (I am using OS X, what OS are you using?).

add the follow lines after the other mime-mapping


I hope that this is the right mapping, the first comes from my linux-box, the second from internet search.


I am using .rmvb and .wmv format clips. I am using this type of basic coding. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1 - transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>

        <title> download video</title>
                 <a href="video1.rmvb">  Clip1 </a>
        <a href="video2.wmv"> Clip2 </a>
    < div>
Thank u

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