Tomcat does not seem to want to create a mod_jk.conf-auto file for me to
use with Apache.   I've following the documentation to startup tomcat
using 'bin/startup.bat -jkconf '  .    No file gets created and tomcat
just starts up normally (docs say it should create the mod_jk.conf-auto
file then shutdown).    Am I missing something?  This is a fresh install
of tomcat 5.5.20 on Windows XP.   


I also tried putting the following xml under the <Server...> element : 


<ApacheConfig forwardAll="false" noRoot="false" 
jkConfig="conf/mod_jk.conf-auto" jkDebug="error" />



I also tried putting the following xml under the <Server...> element : 



                                <Property name="jkconf" value="true" />





 Nothing seems to work.  Any ideas?

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