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Karim Zibari wrote:
> Thanks again Chuck.  One last question:
> how about if my web app ran out of memory or it made too many 
> database connections or (as my hosting compnay suggests) that my web
> app was to get stuck in loop and render the processor non-responsive
> to other requests.?

If you can't ping the server, something is definitely wrong. 'ping' is
handled by most OSs (IIRC) by the TCP driver, so a process doesn't have
to be launched. There ought to be enough scratch memory available to the
kernel to respond to it.

Generally, when servers stop responding to pings, it's due to a kernel
panic (which means your machine totally locks up entirely).

I would recommend running sar or some other utility to see what's
happening during those times of day. For instance, memory usage, CPU
utilization, etc.

My guess: you have a transient network problem, and during those times
when your server won't respond, it is completely idle. I'll bet that
there is a link between you and your server that is going down
repeatedly. You could set up a cron job on your server to ping a host
once every 30 minutes or so and report the status to you via email. If,
after one of these periods of inaccessibility, you suddenly get a dozen
email messages all at once saying "can't reach host", you can conclude
that your server is being isolated from the network for some reason.

- -chris
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