It is NOT reading the classpath environment variable. You should place the jars your webapp needs in your web application's WEB-INF/lib where they can be automatically found. For further class loader issues, see:


Ernie Ho wrote:

   I'm pretty sure of this,  but Tomcat is reading the classpath environment 
variable right ?  I mean,  there is not another config file that specifies all 
the JARs it needs, correct?

I'm getting a JSP compile error on Tomcat:

An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /oemaccount.jsp
Generated servlet error:
The type javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException cannot be resolved. It is indirectly 
referenced from required .class files


root cause
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

I believe the above class is included in :  D:\axis-1_4\lib\jaxrpc.jar

Which is in my classpath. Any clues why the above happened?
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Gainty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 12:17 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat VS JBOSS

You are not necessarily confined to that 2.4 Servlet Container as mentioned in 
the docs and Tomcat classes specified in server.xml Read install and cluster 
config docs info at
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Edoardo Panfili" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: Tomcat VS JBOSS

Ernie Ho ha scritto:

   could anyone out there highlight some major differences between Tomcat and 

In particular, Tomcat is an app server with a built-in web (HTTP) server; does JBOSS require an external webserver to run its web applications ?
Jboss is an application server ( see
rs) like Apache geronimo, both includes Tomcat.

and "Apache Tomcat is the servlet container that is used in the official Reference Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies."

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