Apache 1.3 get request and map it to local system, and when <Directory> with "required" is hit, it denies access and will not even try to forward to mod_jk. In Apache 2.0 it first try to forward using mod_jk and then if no JKmount fits it checks <Directory>
In both situations it firsts checks <Location> so <Location> always work.

So something have changed between Apache 1.3 and 2.0 that it works in different order. Maybe it's logical but I didn't find any word about it in migration docs.

Would it be better to use mod_proxy_ajp instead of mod_jk?
Documentation on Apache page for mod_proxy_ajp is not too good, for example I know I need mod_proxy together with mod_proxy_ajp, hovewer mod_proxy is strict http I don't want to have (need to secure his port), I would like to have only connector with ajp13 protocol whch seems rather safe.


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