> > The problems seems to be located with Cglib classloaders 
> referencing 
> > policy. There is a lot of topic on the Net, which may be 
> interessing 
> > to read, but noone seems to have found a valuable solution. 
> > (Increasing the PermGenspace is NOT a reasonable solution)
> >   
> That means, that hibernate apps will always generate OOM...

Not always. But some hibernate/cglib/tomcat uses seems to generate
classloader memory leak:

You can easily reproduce this behaviour.
Write a quite empty webapp with hibernate (so cglib too) which contains
just a JSP/servlet which do a dummy DBMS request (select sysdate from
dual) and print the result.
 -Deploy it 
 -access to your JSP/servlet
 -reload webapp
Write a Jmeter scenario that execute those 2 last steps.
Repeat it many times (<10 times for a default heap sized JVM)
You will see your Permgenspace always growing and crash at the high
level (64MB default)

> > The only way we found to fix it is to change the JVM. 
> Indeed if we use the BEA Jrockit 1.4 JVM, the application can 
> be deployed as many times you want...
> >   
> Great news! Do you know whether their JVM (1.5) is free to 
> download and use?
Yes it's free to download. For a commercial use you should check the
But keep in mind, that may be a dangerous alternative. You don't know
yet what could append with Jrockit.
And the past releases don't tend to be stable as a sun one (to my

Out solution is to install one instance of Tomcat per application :
reducing memory heap use, ...
And for each redeploy/reload we restart the tomcat service.
A Heavy but working solution ....


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