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Bruno Vilardo wrote:
> Tomcat 4.1
> Java 1.4.2_08-b03
> We have done a migration process from one server to another.
> After the migration, everyday now our TOMCAT crashes/stop on its own.
> I checked the tomcat log and I could find the error bellow:
> Heap at VM Abort:
> [snip]
> # HotSpot Virtual Machine Error : 11

Can you check the file "hs_err_pid22350.log" as mentioned in the error
message and confirm that the problem is SIG 11 or SIGSEGV? That would be
a segmentation violation, or "seg fault", indicating that your app
(Java, really) has dereferenced a pointer which pointed to memory
outside of its allocated memory (or dereferenced a NULL pointer).

This is almost always caused by bad hardware.

What type of machine is this? What architecture, etc.? Do you have
physical access to the server? Do you have another piece of hardware
that you can test this on? I'm willing to bet that the hardware is the
problem and not any of your software or configuration.

- -chris

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