----- Original Message ----- From: "Christopher Schultz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: Memory leaks on webapp redeploy

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Jon Miller wrote:
I'm getting ready to try NetBeans profiler right now. I tried it awhile
back before it was released, but, there was something wrong with the
Solaris library, so, I couldn't get it to work. I'm hoping I'll have
better luck now that it's been released officially.

I downloaded the Linux version of JProbe's profiler, and I can't figure
out how to start it. The only "binary" that makes any sense is
jpprofiler, and that gives me a "DISPLAY is inaccessible" error, even
though I can run xterm and xclock and stuff no problem. :(

Let me know how it goes with the NetBeans profiler. Also, let me know if
it was easy to get going. I'd love to use something that I can attach to
a running process -- sorta like Sun's jconsole.

I'm not sure I would recommend NetBeans profiler. I ran into a few different issues. It's pretty easy to install and the interface seems pretty intuitive. I was able to kind of get it to work running NetBeans on a Windows XP system (1.5Ghz Pentium IV) and remotely debugging Tomcat on a Solaris system. However, I received some errors in the log about it not being able to load some class files. It looked like it might have had to do with classes that were generated dynamically (probably Hibernate proxies). For some reason, I couldn't find my applications classes. I could see Hibernate and JAX-WS related classes, but, mine weren't there. Then, it locked up. It did that twice. Then, I switched to trying to profile it on a local installation of Tomcat. I found that it kind of worked albeit extremely slowly if I selected the "Analyze Memory Usage" option and only "Record object creation only." If I tried "Record both object creation and garbage collection" or "Record Stack Trace for Allocations" options, it ran so slow that my mouse cursor wouldn't even move.

I think what I may end up having to do is simply restart Tomcat everytime I do a redeploy. Strange how I haven't run into these issues with the ASP.NET apps that I've developed. Also strange how a problem like this could go on for YEARS without being fixed.


- -chris

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