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Bruno Vilardo wrote:
> We have other machinces that are running fine with the same configuration
> that is in this server in which is having issue.

This is one of the primary reasons why I think it is a HW problem.

> I need to do some further troubleshooting to identify if it is a real HW
> issue. This is our customers box and I have to positive to tell them that
> their HW is screwed up. This is the worst part.

Broken hardware usually isn't that big of a deal. If your client is
leasing it or it is under warranty, then they shouldn't have to pay for
anything. If it's an old box or was cobbled together from spare parts,
then repair shouldn't be very expensive. How much can an x86 rack cost
these days, anyway? My guess is that they'd rather buy a new $4000
server than pay a contractor for 2 weeks to investigate.

> I will run the utility that Chris has mentioned as soon as I run it on my
> test server.

memtest86 is really nice, because you don't have to install anything.
Just reboot with either the floppy or CD-ROM version in a drive
configured to boot and it starts right up. You can watch it for a while,
but it's pretty boring. With that much RAM, I recommend leaving it over
night (or more). For production hardware, let it run more than a single
test (unless it fails... you can stop as soon as it fails a single time).

Good luck,
- -chris
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